Past Randall Chairs
History of the Randall Chair Professorship
The College’s first endowed chair, the Rev. Robert Randall Distinguished Professorship in Christian Culture was established in 2002. The chair is named for the priest, scholar, and artist who served as a member of the Providence College faculty for more than 25 years. Father Randall taught English, theology, and courses in the Development of Western Civilization Program. The professorship exemplifies the commitment to educational excellence and Christian values that defined Father Randall’s life as an educator and priest.
Dr. Rady Roldán-Figueroa
Biographical Overview
Dr. Rady Roldán-Figueroa (he, him, his) specializes in early modern global Christianity, Christianity in colonial Latin America, the intersectionality of Catholicism, race, and colonialism, and the history of Christian spirituality. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y. to Puerto Rican parents, Roldán-Figueroa is the author of The Ascetic Spirituality of Juan de Avila (1499-1569) (Brill, 2010) and The Martyrs of Japan: Publication History and Catholic Missions in the Spanish World (Spain, New Spain, and the Philippines, 1597–1700) (Brill, 2021).
He also is co-editor of four additional volumes: Collected Works of Hanserd Knollys: Pamphlets on Religion (Macon: Mercer University Press, 2017); Exploring Christian Heritage – A Reader in History and Theology (Baylor University Press, 3rd rev. ed. 2023); Bartolomé de las Casas, O.P.: History, Philosophy, and Theology in the Age of European Expansion (December 2018, Brill); and The Transatlantic Las Casas: Historical Trajectories, Indigenous Cultures, Scholastic Thought, and Reception in History (Brill, 2022).
He has published 39 articles and book chapters, and his articles have appeared in Critical Research on Religion, European History Quarterly, Sixteenth Century Journal, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte/Archive for Reformation History, The Seventeenth Century, and History of European Ideas.
Friar Sixto J. Castro
Biographical Overview
Sixto J. Castro is a Dominican friar, born in Cangas del Narcea (Asturias, Spain). He joined the Dominican Order in 1988 and studied philosophy at the Higher Institute of Philosophy in Valladolid. He continued his education at the University of Valladolid, where he obtained his Ph.D., studied theology at the Faculty of Theology of San Esteban in Salamanca, and also obtained the title of professor of organ at the conservatory of this city.
Friar Castro is currently professor of aesthetics and theory of the arts at the University of Valladolid. His academic interests focus on the theory of art, the question of beauty and the religious, and theological elements present in contemporary aesthetic theories. He has been visiting professor at Bayreuth Universität (Germany) and visiting scholar at the universities of Temple (Philadelphia), Houston, Oxford, Leuven and Columbia.
Friar Castro is the author of several books, including La trama del tiempo [The Weave of Time] (2002), En teoría, es arte [In Theory, it is Art] (2005), Vituperio de orbanejas [Orbaneja’s Vituperation] (2007), Lógica de la creencia [The Logic of Belief] (2012), Sobre la risa y la belleza [On Laughter and Beauty] (2015), Filosofía del arte [Philosophy of Art] (2017), Teología estética [Aesthetic theology] (2018) and has coordinated several volumes, including The Paths of Creation (2011).
He has published numerous articles in various journals, including Estudios Filosóficos, Ciencia Tomista, Revista de Filosofía, Anuario Filosófico, Diánoia, Veritas, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Angelicum, Analogía, Aísthesis, Technoetic Arts and Religions, as well as chapters in edited volumes, including The Hand. Perception, Cognition, Action (Springer, 2017) and A Companion to Arthur Danto (Wiley, 2022). He has translated Richard Swinburne, George Dickie, Lydia Goehr and G. E. Lessing into Spanish. He is currently the editor of the journal Estudios Filosóficos, published by the Higher Institute of Philosophy in Valladolid (Spain).
Paul Contino
Biographical Overview
Dr. Paul J. Contino visited from Pepperdine University, where he serves as professor in the university’s Great Books Colloquium. He was educated by good Dominican sisters at St. Rita’s Elementary School and fine diocesan priests at Monsignor Farrell High School (both in Staten Island, NY). He attended Binghamton University, where he majored in English and psychology. After two years of work, he attended graduate school at the University of Notre Dame, where he received his Ph.D. in English literature. He taught for 12 years at Christ College, the Honors College of Valparaiso University, where he was awarded the Caterpillar Award for Excellence in Teaching.
He began teaching at Pepperdine University in 2002 and has twice been granted the Howard A. White Award for Teaching Excellence. Along with his wife, Professor Mary Mullins, he has co-edited the journal Christianity and Literature. In 2001 he co-edited and introduced Bakhtin and Religion: A Feeling for Faith (Northwestern UP).
He has published several essays on Fyodor Dostoevsky, as well as essays on the Taoist writer Zhuangzi, Dante Alighieri, and Jane Austen. He has also written on contemporary Catholic writers such as Tobias Wolff, Andre Dubus, and Alice McDermott. His recent book is entitled Dostoevsky’s Incarnational Realism: Finding Christ among the Karamazovs (Cascade, Wipf and Stock, 2020), which is being translated into Russian by Academic Studies Press. Paul and Mary have two daughters – one in college, one in law school.
David O’Connor
Biographical Overview
Dr. David O’Connor is a professor of philosophy and of classics at the University of Notre Dame. Dr. O’Connor has directed undergraduate minors in philosophy, politics, economics, and philosophy and literature and is a senior editorial advisor to St. Augustine’s Press. An undergraduate at the University of Chicago (where he was an Amos Alonzo Stagg scholar and football MVP) and Notre Dame, he received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1985.
Dr. O’Connor’s teaching and writing focus on ancient philosophy, aesthetics, ethics and politics, and philosophy of religion. His online lectures on love and sexuality from his signature course “Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love” have reached a wide international audience and are the basis of two books – Love is Barefoot Philosophy (in Chinese translation, 2014) and Plato’s Bedroom (2015). He edited and introduced The Symposium of Plato: The Shelley Translation (2002), the first modern edition of Percy Shelley’s neglected prose classic of Romanticism, and co-edited Essays on the Foundations of Aristotle’s Political Science (1991).
Dr. O’Connor and his wife Beth married in 1985 and have three daughters.
Rev. Wilson D. (Bill) Miscamble
Biographical Overview
Rev. Wilson D. (Bill) Miscamble, C.S.C. is a priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross. He joined the permanent faculty of the History Department at the University of Notre Dame in 1988. The Australian native was educated at the University of Queensland and at the University of Notre Dame.
He received his doctoral degree in 1980. He then served for two years as North American analyst in the Office of National Assessments, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra, Australia. In August of 1982 he returned to Notre Dame and entered the priestly formation program of the Congregation of Holy Cross. He was ordained a priest on April 9, 1988.
Father Miscamble chaired the History Department from 1993 to 1998. In addition to his responsibilities on the history faculty, he has served (2000-04) as Rector and Superior of Moreau Seminary, the principal formation site for the Congregation of Holy Cross in North America. Father Miscamble’s primary research interests are American foreign policy since World War II and the role of Catholics in 20th century U.S. public life. His book entitled George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1947-1950 was published in 1992 by Princeton University Press and received the Harry S. Truman Book Award.
He also has authored Keeping the Faith, Making a Difference (2000), and edited American Political History: Essays on the State of the Discipline [with John Marszalek] (1997), and Go Forth and Do Good: Memorable Notre Dame Commencement Addresses (2003). His 2007 book From Roosevelt to Truman: Potsdam, Hiroshima and the Cold War was published by Cambridge University Press and received the Harry S. Truman Book Award in 2008. Father Miscamble subsequently published The Most Controversial Decision: Truman, the Atomic Bombs and the Defeat of Japan (2011) and For Notre Dame: Battling for the Heart and Soul of a Catholic University (2013). He also has published a number of other articles, essays and reviews.
Father Miscamble has notable interests in the areas of Catholic higher education and Catholics and public life and he lectures and writes on these topics. His most recent book, American Priest: The Ambitious Life and Conflicted Legacy of Notre Dame’s Father Ted Hesburgh, was released in March of 2019.
Dr. Bruce D. Marshall
Biographical Overview
Bruce D. Marshall is Lehman Professor of Christian Doctrine at the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. He grew up in Michigan, West Virginia, and Wisconsin — receiving his B.A. from Northwestern University and his M.A.R. and Ph.D. from Yale University. He is the author of Trinity and Truth (Cambridge University Press, 2000) and Christology in Conflict: The Identity of a Saviour in Rahner and Barth (Blackwell, 1987), and editor of Theology and Dialogue: Essays in Conversation with George Lindbeck (University of Notre Dame Press, 1990). Presently, he is at work on a book on the Trinity, faith, and reason in Aquinas and contemporary Catholic theology. He has published a number of essays and reviews in scholarly journals, including The Journal of Religion, Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, Nova et Vetera, Pro Ecclesia, Revue thomiste, Theological Studies, and The Thomist, and chapters in edited volumes, including The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity and The Oxford Handbook of Sacramental Theology.
A scholar and teacher in the fields of historical and systematic theology, Professor Marshall’s work focuses on the Catholic doctrines of the Trinity, the incarnation, and the Eucharist, the relationship between faith and reason, and the significance of the Jewish people and Judaism for Christian faith and theology. He works extensively on some of the major theologians of the Middle Ages, especially Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus.
Professor Marshall is a founding member of the Academy of Catholic Theology, of which he served as President in 2008-9. He has been a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, a Pew Evangelical Scholars fellow, and was recently awarded a Ford Senior Research Fellowship by Southern Methodist University. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Nova et Vetera (English edition) and Pro Ecclesia.
Dr. Michael Root
Biographical Overview
Michael Root is a native of Norfolk, Virginia. He studied at Dartmouth College (BA, summa cum laude) and Yale University (Ph.D. in theology). He has taught at Davidson College, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. For 10 years, he was research professor at the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France. He was received into the Catholic Church in 2010. Since 2011, he has served as ordinary professor of systematic theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.
Ecumenical dialogues have been at the center of Root’s service. He was on the drafting team for the Catholic-Lutheran Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, and served on the Catholic-Lutheran dialogue both nationally and internationally, the international Lutheran-Anglican dialogue, and the US Lutheran-Methodist dialogue. He was on the drafting team that produced Called to Common Mission, which established full communion between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Episcopal Church USA. He was a staff consultant to the 1993 World Conference on Faith and Order (Spain) and the 1998 Lambeth Conference (England). From 2005 through 2015, he was Executive Director of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology. In 2010, he was the Joseph Visiting Professor at the Gregorian University in Rome.
Root is the author (with Gabriel Fackre) of Affirmations and Admonitions (1998) and editor of Justification by Faith (with Karl Lehmann and William Rusch, 1997), Baptism and the Unity of the Church (with Risto Saarinen, 1998), and, with James Buckley, of the Pro Ecclesia series of books. In addition, he is the author of many scholarly articles and an associate editor of the journal Pro Ecclesia.
Sister Kathleen A. McManus, O.P., Ph.D.
Spring 2017
Biographical Overview
Sister Kathleen A. McManus, O.P., Ph.D., associate professor of systematic theology at the University of Portland (Oregon), was named the Rev. Robert. J. Randall Distinguished Professor in Christian Culture at Providence College for the Spring 2017 semester. She was the 14th person to serve as the Randall Professor.
Sister McManus has been a member of the University of Portland faculty since 2000. Prior to that, she served as an adjunct assistant professor of philosophy/religious studies at Dominican College (NY) and the College of Mount Saint Vincern (NY). In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Sister McManus serves as the director of the Pastoral Ministry Program and as a member of the Coordinating Team for Theology Major Programs at the University of Portland. She also is a new faculty mentor and part of the Theology Majors’ Advising Team.
She has authored several articles for academic journals and has written a book entitled Unbroken Communion: The Place and Meaning of Suffering in the Theology of Edward Shcillebeeckx (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003). She also is a member of the International Editorial Team for Bloomsbury Publishing.
Sister McManus earned a Ph.D. in systematic theology from the University of St. Michael’s College, a master’s degree in pastoral studies from Aquinas Institute of Theology, and a bachelor’s degree in English literature from the College of Mount Saint Vincent.
Rev. Michael S. Sherwin, O.P.
Biographical Overview
Rev. Michael S. Sherwin, O.P., professor and the chair in Fundamental Moral Theology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, was named the Rev. Robert J. Randall Distinguished Professor in Christian Culture at Providence College for the Fall 2016 semester. Father Sherwin was the 13th person to serve as Randall Professor.
Father Sherwin, who has taught at Fribourg since 2002, previously was a faculty member at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif., and a graduate and teaching assistant at the University of Notre Dame, where he earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in moral theology.
He has authored several journal articles and conference papers and has written a book entitled By Knowledge and By Love: Charity and Knowledge in the Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas (Catholic University Press, 2005). In addition to his written work, Father Sherwin has held editorial positions with the Swiss National Science Foundation, Academic Press Fribourg, and Nova et Vetera: International Theological Journal.
Father Sherwin is a member of the Society of Christian Ethics, the Association des Theologiens pour l’Etude de la Morale, and the American Catholic Philosophical Association. He also is the director of the Institut saint Thomas d’Aquin pour la theologie et la culture at Fribourg, director of the Archives Pinckaers, and was coordinator and founding member of the St. Albert the Great Forum on Theology and Science in Arizona.
In addition to the degrees he earned at Notre Dame, Father Sherwin earned a master’s degree in theology from the Graduate Theological Union, and a master’s of divinity degree and bachelor’s degree from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology.
Dr. David Solomon
Biographical Overview
Dr. David Solomon, a member of the University of Notre Dame faculty since 1968, was named the Rev. Robert J. Randall Distinguished Professor in Christian Culture at Providence College for the Fall 2015 semester. Dr. Solomon was the 12th person to serve as Randall Professor.
A member of Notre Dame’s Department of Philosophy faculty, Dr. Solomon has held several roles at the university, including serving as the founding director of the Notre Dame Arts and Letters/Science Honors Program and the director of the Notre Dame London Program. He also was the founding director of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture and later served as the H.P. and W.B. White Director of the Center.
In addition to his academic and administrative duties at Notre Dame, Dr. Solomon has been a National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellow, a Milbank Research Fellow, a University Research Fellow at Oxford University, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs at St. Andrews University.
A scholar of contemporary moral philosophy with a special interest in medical ethics, Dr. Solomon co-edited and contributed to Abortion: New Directions for Policy Studies, the first study of the public policy implications of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. He also contributed to The Synoptic Vision, a study of the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars. An oft-published author of academic journal articles, Dr. Solomon has received a number of awards for his academic achievement, including the Paul Ramsey Award for Excellence in Bioethics, presented by the Center for Bioethics and Culture, and the Career Achievement Award, presented by the Jacques Maritain Society.
Dr. Solomon received his bachelor’s degree from Baylor University and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas.
2016 Randall Conference
“Cinema and the Humanities”
Kathleen Norris 2014-15
Biographical Overview
Kathleen Norris, a celebrated author and poet and a Benedictine oblate, was the 2014-15 Rev. Robert J. Randall Distinguished Professor in Christian Culture at Providence College. She was the 11th person to serve as Randall Professor.
After attending preparatory school in Hawaii, Norris earned a bachelor’s degree from Bennington College in Vermont. Almost immediately after graduation, her laudable literary career took off. She has written seven books of poetry, including Falling Off (Follett Big Table Poetry, 1971), The Middle of the World (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981), and Little Girls in Church (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995).
Norris, who moved to South Dakota in 1974 after inheriting her grandparents’ farm, has been a prolific and award-winning author of non-fiction as well. Her book, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography (Houghton Mifflin, 1994), was named a New York Times “Notable Book of the Year” and was praised by Library Journal. Her other books include The Cloister Walk (Riverhead, 1996), The Virgin of Bennington (Riverhead, 2001), and Embracing a Life of Meaning (Church Publishing, 2012).
Norris’ essays and book reviews have appeared in a number of periodicals, including America, Christianity Today, The New York Times, and O Magazine, and she has served in editorial roles for the St. Katherine Review, The Christian Century, and Spirituality & Health.
She has received honorary doctoral degrees from the University of Notre Dame, Albright College, Concordia College, and South Dakota State University, and served on the board of trustees and board of overseers at St. John’s University (Minn.) and St. John’s School of Theology, respectively.
2015 Randall Conference
“What Has Happened to Good Old Sin?”
Rev. Paul Philibert, O.P. ’59
Biographical Overview
Rev. Paul Philibert, O.P. ’59 was the 2013-14 Rev. Robert J. Randall Professor in Christian Culture at Providence College. He was the tenth scholar (and the third Dominican) to serve as the Randall Professor.
Born in Baltimore, Md., Father Philibert joined the Dominican Province of Saint Joseph in the East and did his ecclesiastical studies at the Dominican Houses of Studies in Dover, Mass., and Washington, D.C. In 1972, he was awarded a doctor of sacred theology degree from the Dominican Pontifical Faculty — after research and studies in France under the direction of Père Christian Duquoc, O.P. Father Philibert taught theology at PC from 1968 to 1973 before becoming a faculty member at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley, Calif. — where he also served as president.
He later directed the Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame and, before retiring from academic life, held the chair in pastoral theology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland.
Among his many books and articles, Father Philibert has written more recently these three books: Stewards of God’s Mysteries: Priestly Spirituality in a Changing Church, The Priesthood of the Faithful: Key to a Living Church, and Scanning the Signs of the Times: French Dominicans in the Twentieth Century (written with Thomas O’Meara, O.P.). He also has translated Cardinal Yves Congar’s classic work, True and False Reform in the Church, and At the Heart of Christian Worship: Liturgical Essays of Yves Congar into English.
Father Philibert joined the Southern Dominican Province at its founding in 1979. He now serves as the promoter for permanent formation for his province. He has also served on the Directorium of the Angelicum University in Rome and on the Commission on Studies of the Dominican Order.
2014 Randall Conference
“What is Adult Faith”
Dr. Reinhard Huetter
Biographical Overview
Dr. Reinhard Huetter, a professor of Christian theology at Duke Divinity School, was the ninth Rev. Robert J. Randall Professor in Christian Culture at Providence College. A native of Lichtenfels, Germany, Huetter holds a master of theology degree from Duke University and a doctor of theology degree from the University of Erlangen in Germany. He teaches systemic and philosophical theology and has developed a special interest in the theology and philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas.
His new book, Dust Bound for Heaven: Explorations in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas, was published in 2012. Among his other works are Reason and the Reasons of Faith, edited with Paul J. Griffiths, and Ressourcement Thomism: Sacred Doctrine, the Sacraments, and the Moral Life, edited with Matthew Levering.
Huetter was awarded the Henry Luce III Fellowship in Theology. He has been a visiting fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Religion, University of Chicago; a research fellow at the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton Theological Seminary; and a visiting professor at the University of Jena, Germany. In addition, he is an elected member of the American Theological Society, president of the Academy of Catholic Theology, a distinguished fellow of The Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and an ordinary academician of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
2013 Randall Conference:
“The Virtue of Religion”
Lectures Given at Providence College:
“What Conscience Is and Why It Matters”
“Happiness and the Virtue of Religion, Then and Now: Ruminations on Thomas Aquinas”
Dr. Robert Louis Wilken
Biographical Overview
Dr. Robert Louis Wilken is professor of history emeritus at the University of Virginia. The Distinguished Fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and has taught at Gregorian University, Institutum Patristicum Augustiniam, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Notre Dame, Fordham University, and Lutheran Theological Seminary.
Dr. Wilken is the author of 10 books, including The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God (Yale, 2003), Remembering the Christian Past (Eerdmans, 1995), and The Christians as the Romans Saw Them (Yale, 1984). He is also the translator, along with Paul Bowers, of On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ. His work is the subject of the festschrift, In Dominico eloquio: Essays on Patristic Exegesis in Honor of Robert Louis Wilken, edited by Paul M. Blowers (Eerdmans, 2002).
Lectures Given at Providence College:
“Global Christianity in the First Millennium”
“The Roots of Religious Freedom.”
Dr. Ralph C. Wood
Biographical Overview
Ralph C. Wood, University Professor of Theology and Literature at Baylor University in Waco, Texas since 1998, holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Texas A&M University-Commerce, as well as a master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Chicago. Prior to Baylor, he served for 26 years on the faculty of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he was the John Allen Easley Professor of Religion.
His books include The Comedy of Redemption: Christian Faith and Comic Vision in Four American Novelists (University of Notre Dame, 1988); Contending for the Faith: The Church’s Engagement with Culture (Baylor, 2003); The Gospel According to Tolkien: Visions of the Kingdom in Middle-earth (Westminster John Knox, 2004); Flannery O’Connor and the Christ-Haunted South (Eerdmans, 2004); Literature and Theology (Abingdon, 2008); and Preaching and Professing: Sermons by a Teacher Seeking to Proclaim the Gospel (Eerdmans, 2009).
Lectures Given at Providence College:
“Branding with the Cross: Flannery O’Connor on the Comedy of Spiritual Formation”
“Rum, Romanism, and the Sacramental Imagination”
Sister Dianne Bergant
Biographical Overview
Sister Dianne Bergant of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Agnes was the sixth occupant of the Rev. Robert J. Randall Distinguished Chair in Christian Culture. She is Professor of Biblical Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and has dedicated his scholarly life to the promotion of the study of the Bible, both in the academy and among the Catholic faithful. She has written many scholarly books, including People of the Covenant: An Invitation to the Old Testament (2001) and Song of Songs: The Love Poetry of Scripture (1998). She has been the president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America (2000-01) and a longtime participant in Jewish/Catholic dialogue. Her writing for the broader Catholic public includes the much utilized three-volume Preaching the New Lectionary, as well a popular weekly column called “The Word” for America magazine, which ran from 2002-2005.
Courses Taught at Providence College:
Biblical Methods (Liberal Arts Honors Colloquium)
The Bible and Contemporary Issues
Lectures Given at Providence College:
“A Woman as a Theologian in the Church Today”
Dr. Robert Kiely
Biographical Overview
Dr. Robert Kiely is Loker Professor of English and American Literature at Harvard University. He is a graduate of Amherst College and completed his doctorate at Harvard. He served for three years in the U.S. Naval Reserve, two years in Pearl Harbor, and one aboard the USS Coral Sea. Professor Kiely teaches courses in the Victorian, Modern, and Postmodern novel, the English Bible, Classics of Christian Literature, and the Rhetoric of Belief. Professor Kiely is a Benedictine Oblate and a member of the Community of Sant’Egidio, founded in Rome in 1968.
Dr. Kiely’s published works include Still Learning: Spiritual Sketches from a Professor’s Life (1999); Reverse Tradition: Postmodern Fictions and the Nineteenth Century Novel (1993); Beyond Egotism: The Fiction of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence (1980); The Romantic Novel in England (1972); and Robert Louis Stevenson and the Fiction of Adventure (1964).
Courses Taught at Providence College:
Beauty and Christianity
Lectures at Providence College:
“Mary Magdalene and the Dignity of Woman”
“Further Considerations of the Holy Stigmata of Saint Francis: Where was Brother Leo?”
“Free at Last: The African-American Experience,” as part of the conference, “After Exodus: Exile, Flight, and the Promised Land in the American Literary Tradition.”
Dr. F. Russell Hittinger
Biographical Overview
The Warren Chair of Catholic Studies and a research professor in the School of Law at the University of Tulsa, Dr. Hittinger specializes in areas where philosophy, religion, and law intersect. He has taught at Fordham University and at the Catholic University of America; since 1993, he has been on the summer faculty of the Tertio Millenno program at the Dominican Priory in Krakow, Poland. A member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas at the Vatican, he was elected to its governing board in 2006.
Dr. Hittinger is widely published with more than 100 articles and reviews to his credit, as well as scores of papers and lectures and several books. His latest work, a collection of essays, entitled The First Grace: Rediscovering Natural Law in a Post-Christian Age, was published by I.S.I. Books in 2003. His essays on papal social doctrine appeared last year in a two-volume work, Law and Human Nature: Teachings of Modern Christianity (Columbia University Press, 2005).
Courses Taught at Providence College:
Philosophy and the Politics of Natural Law
Lectures Given at Providence College:
“Social Justice: Devolution or Subsidiarity?”
“The Legal Renaisance of the 12th and 13th Centuries: Some Thomistic Notes”
Symposium: “Providence, Practical Reason and the Common Good”
Dr. David B. Hart
Biographical Overview
An internationally renowned Eastern Orthodox theologian, Dr. Hart has served at Loyola College in Baltimore, the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton University, the Duke Divinity School, the University of St. Thomas, and the University of Virginia.
He is the author of The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth (Eerdmans Press, 2003) and The Doors of the Sea: Where Was God in the Tsunami? (Eerdmans Press, 2005). In addition, Dr. Hart has written dozens of articles, essays, and chapters for theological and related periodicals, including the theological journals Pro Ecclesia, Modern Theology, and First Things, and for The Wall Street Journal. He has served as the associate editor of Pro Ecclesia and is proficient in 10 languages, including English, Spanish, Greek, Latin, and Hebrew.
Courses Taught at Providence College:
Liberal Arts Honors seminar on Dostoevsky & Nietzsche
Liberal Arts Honors seminar on Nihilism
Lectures Given at Providence College:
“Theology and Naturalism: A Response to Daniel Dennett’s Evolutionary Critique Of Religious Belief”
“Orientale Lumen: Sin, Nature and Grace in Eastern Orthodox Tradition”
Symposium: “Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering”
Very Rev. Aidan Nichols, O.P.
Spring 2005
Biographical Overview
Father Nichols, who has served as the prior of the Dominican Priory of St. Michael in Cambridge, England, is an affiliated lecturer at the University of Cambridge. A distinguished scholar, Father Nichols has published on numerous topics in theology including systematic, sacramental, and ecumenical theology.
The author of 30 books and more than 70 articles, he is considered “the most prolific writer of theology in the English language in the world today,” according to the John Paul II Institute for Marriage & Family in Melbourne, Australia, where he has taught.
Course Taught at Providence College:
Honors Study in Theology
Lectures Given at Providence College:
“The Order of Preachers and Art: The Dominicans of L’Art sacré “
“Craft or Connoisseurship: The Uses of Jacques Maritain’s Aesthetics
Rev. Fergus Kerr
Fall 2002
Biographical Overview
The regent of the Blackfriars College, Oxford University, Oxford, England, Fr. Kerr holds degrees in philosophy and theology, including the master of sacred theology. He is the author of Theology after Wittgenstein and Immortal Longings and is the editor of New Blackfriars. Father Kerr also serves as an honorary senior lecturer at Edinburgh University in Scotland. His interests include Aquinas and contemporary Thomism, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger.
Course Taught at Providence College:
Varieties of Religious Experience from Newman to Charles Taylor
Lectures Given at PC:
“Christianity and Culture”
“Former Catholics and Famous Philosophers: An Easy Way to Understand Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein”