Humanities Program Page

Why Study Humanities at Providence College?
In today’s complex, multifaceted, and multicultural world there is great need for individuals who are experts at researching and analyzing complicated topics and issues, skilled in understanding how they intersect and connect across disciplines and cultures, and able to combine that knowledge and context into effective communication that has real impact.

A humanities degree from Providence College will prepare you to do just that, while at the same time providing incredible flexibility in the focus and path of your career. 

Veritas=truth, the motto of Providence College

The Humanities Program offers a highly individualized interdisciplinary plan of study that is focused on the liberal arts. Emphasis is placed on critical understanding and disciplined reflection. The program provides a strong liberal arts education that can serve as excellent preparation for all professions.

Each student’s personal course of study is developed in consultation with the department director. Individual study plans are created through a careful and focused selection of courses from the recognized humanities departments, with the possible addition of other selected courses.

Affiliated departments in which students may choose courses from include:  

  • Art & Art History  
  • English
  • Foreign Language Studies
  • History
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Theatre
  • Theology

Students enjoy the benefit of learning from accomplished faculty from across a great array of fields:  

  • Art professors who have their own works on exhibit;
  • English professors who’ve written acclaimed books and articles;
  • Foreign language professors who are accomplished linguists and experts in the associated cultures;
  • History professors who’ve traveled the world to present;
  • Music professors who’ve been awarded fellowships and earned praise for their own works and performances;
  • A philosophy faculty that includes internationally renowned researchers in every major period in the history of philosophy;
  • Theater professors who are also playwrights, actors, directors, and costume designers; and
  • A theology faculty who’ve researched and published scholarly works on an array of faiths and issues of spirituality and religion.

humanities forum dinner in providence

Academic flexibility is a hallmark of our program; no two paths through the major are the same, just as no two careers pursued with a humanities degree are alike. As a fully customizable program, the humanities major offers students an opportunity to combine the study of a language with a personalized path through the other humanities disciplines, including history, English, philosophy, the fine arts, language, law, communications, and theology. It can also include women’s studies, political science, black studies, and a host of other disciplines.

With subjects ranging from historic figures like John Calvin to perspectives on the American Enlightenment, the PC Humanities Forum underscores the College’s commitment to the humanities. The forum brings the campus community together to engage in intellectual life outside the class, deepen an appreciation for the humanities, and explore diverse perspectives through lectures, film screenings, musical performances, or even intimate group dinner discussions.



of 2017-2021 interdisciplinary program graduates are employed and/or attending graduate school

*Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures.

  • 59% are employed only
  • 14% are attending school only
  • 14% are employed and attending school

Selected Places of Employment/Service

  • BlueGrace Logistics
  • Broadridge Financial Solutions  
  • Claims Bureau USA
  • Clear Company  
  • Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)  
  • DialogueDirect  
  • Elementary and secondary schools throughout the United States  
  • Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation  
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Progressive Insurance  
  • Teach For America
  • The Media Kitchen
  • U.S. Army  

Selected Graduate Schools

  • Boston University
  • Brown University
  • Columbia University  
  • Duke University
  • Marquette University Law School  
  • Providence College
  • Rochester Institute of Technology  
  • Suffolk University
  • Trinity College Dublin  
  • Villanova University