Providence College Committees

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Providence College Committees

Standing committees remain an essential part of Providence College’s operation as an institution of higher learning. The contributions of these committees – and each committee member – provides the necessary framework for developing policies and implementing decisions that contribute to the success of the college. Below is the college’s committees listing. If you’re interested in committee service, please complete the short form below.

Committee Interest Form
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Provost-Appointed Committees

American Studies Advisory
To advise the director of the American Studies Program, to formulate plans for the long-term administration and staffing of the program and to assess the program’s effectiveness.

Artificial Intelligence Committee
To determine policies and support for artificial intelligence tools on campus related to teaching, research, and student support services.

Asian Studies Advisory Committee
To advise the Asian Studies Program faculty and formulate a plan to grow enrollment.

Calendar Committee
Explore and recommend options for creating multi-year calendars for review by the senior Cabinet, Faculty Senate and Student Congress.

Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Group
Provide advice to the director of the Center for Teaching Excellence.

Committee on Aid to Faculty Research
To request and review proposals from faculty for research grants and recommend grant approvals and funding to the president.

Core Curriculum Administrative Team
To provide administrative support required for Providence College to deliver its core curriculum to all students and to complement the academic oversight of the core provided by the Core Curriculum Committee (CCC).

Core Curriculum Committee
Work with departments, programs, and individual faculty to develop course proposals appropriate to objectives of the core; review and approve all courses satisfying core requirements; carry out ongoing assessment; submit proposals to the senate for change in requirements; and oversee election of DWC Director and DWCPC every three years.

Education Council
Recommend policies and procedures related to the college’s education programs; coordinate activities of mutual concern on behalf of the college’s distinct education programs; these activities include accreditation/program approval, assessment, diversity, partnerships, and technology; serve as a clearinghouse for the sharing of information between and among education program administrators; present a unified voice regarding the college’s education programs to external and internal constituencies (e.g., Rhode Island Department of Education); and coordinate the evaluation of staff members who work on behalf of all education programs.

Faculty Development Council
Review, recommend, and support faculty development efforts.

Fulbright Advisory Committee
To mentor students who seek campus endorsement for their Fulbright fellowship application; and to collaborate in writing campus endorsements for students whom the committee decides to endorse.

Graduate History Advisory Committee
To serve as an advisory committee to the director of the history graduate program and offer counsel on policy matters, including, but not limited to, admissions, assessment, curriculum, outreach, programming, recruitment, and vision.

Higher Education Act Steering Committee
To plan for, coordinate, and implement the college’s disclosure of information as mandated by the Higher Education Act (as reauthorized in 2008) and, as necessary, to make policy recommendations to the president’s senior Cabinet.

Humanities Forum Committee
To serve in an advisory capacity to the Humanities Forum coordinator with respect to the planning and implementation of the Humanities Forum.

Intellectual Property Committee
To refine intellectual property processes, communications, and education and to review and make recommendations relative to property disclosure under PC policy.

International Programs Advisory
To advise the dean of global education on study abroad programs and the coordination of services for international students.

Internship Advisory Committee (IAC)
To provide opportunities in the undergraduate program for all students to participate in experiential learning and/or community service; to review systems for credit-bearing internships and establish college-wide guidelines to ensure consistency and academic integrity; to encourage all academic departments and programs to develop and monitor internship courses using college-wide guidelines for participation and evaluation.

Latin American and Latina/o Studies
To provide advice to the director of the program.

Learning Spaces & Instructional Technology
To support student learning and faculty teaching development by providing vision and leadership for the college’s advancement and use of learning spaces and instructional technologies; to enhance student learning environments through conferring and consulting on planning for new academic building construction and renovations and technology infrastructure initiatives; to solicit input from students and faculty in learning spaces/instructional technology planning, including periodic outreach to Student Congress and the Faculty Senate to discuss topics of interest; to monitor, develop, and oversee the continued development and implementation of current and future instructional technology plans; to promote and highlight the college’s investment in learning spaces and technologies; and to coordinate and oversee the work of the groups subcommittees and appointed task forces.

Liberal Arts Honors Advisory Committee
To provide advice and counsel to the director and associate director of the program, to work with the director and associate director on curricular development and integration, and to work with the Office of Institutional Advancement on securing endowed and unrestricted funds that might support Liberal Arts Honors initiatives.

Neuroscience Advisory Committee
To advise the director of the Neuroscience Program, to formulate plans for the long-term administration and staffing of the program, and to assess the program’s effectiveness.

Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award Selection Committee
To select a faculty member for an award based on scholarship.

Social Science Advisory Committee
Advise the director if the Social Science Program.

Teaching Award Selection Committee (TASC)
Develop and conduct a nominations process to engage the entire Providence College community; evaluate nominations and select a faculty member to receive the annual Joseph R. Accinno Award.

Undergraduate Research
To promote the institutionalization of undergraduate research by consulting with the Center for Teaching Excellence, the Committee for the Enhancement of Learning and the Student Engagement Advisory Committee to ensure greater connections between undergraduate research and student engagement in learning; and engaging in outreach with the campus community by advocating the benefits of undergraduate research at the college.

Washington Semester Committee
To select the participants for the Washington Semester Program at American University.

President-Appointed Committees

Academic Appeals
To review the current policy on academic grievances as stated in the Providence College Undergraduate Catalog and recommend any appropriate changes for adoption as college policy; to implement the process of appeal as outlined in the current catalog and to hear appeals as they are presented by students or are referred to the committee by deans or the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs.

Academic Integrity
To hear student appeals of reported cases of academic misconduct.

Academic Status
To review appeals of academic dismissals from the college, requests for changes in academic status, and extensions of incomplete grade deadlines.

Americans with Disabilities Act/504 Advisory
This committee advises the administration on matters pertaining to disability issues and access.

Clery Act Compliance
To monitor college-wide compliance with all aspects of the Clery Act; to examine the college’s programs involving children and implement safety and reporting measures; to make other recommendations as necessary.

Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure (CART)
Responsibility for faculty status and related matters, including new appointments and reappointments, promotions, decisions not to reappoint, and the granting of tenure.

Committee on Studies
Review of academic policies and procedures currently in place and new policies and programs from other appropriate offices of the college. Originate new policies that the committee feels would be beneficial for addition to current academic policies and procedures.  This charge also includes the review and revision of such policies that affect honors at graduation, dean’s list, academic level that constitutes good standing, probation, or dismissal. The executive subcommittee of the Committee on Studies reviews new course proposals and is responsible for approving proposals for individualized majors.

Financial Aid/Scholarship Appeals
To hear formal appeals from students regarding the termination of their need-based, merit-based, or athletic financial aid/scholarships; to review the effectiveness of existing financial aid/scholarship appeal policies and procedures and make recommendations for revisions if necessary.

Graduate Council
Make recommendations to the provost and Faculty Senate with regard to curriculum and academic policies; marketing, recruitment, admissions and registration; graduate student orientation; and instructional facilities utilization.

Healthcare Advisory
To make recommendations for healthcare for faculty and staff benefits.

Honorary Degree
To make recommendations regarding the selection of a Commencement speaker and the conferral of honorary degrees.

Institutional Animal Care and Use
To review and provide oversight of animal care and use in accordance with the College’s Federal Wide Assurance with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW).

Institutional Review Board
To review and approve research proposals involving human subjects conducted under the auspices of Providence College.

Neighborhood Relations
Convene internal stakeholders to share information and report on initiatives in the neighborhood; ensure neighborhood initiatives are consistent with the college’s goals and objectives; ensure synergies in the various relationship-building activities off campus, including service initiatives; and provide an annual report to the Cabinet on outstanding neighborhood issues and institutional outcomes.

Pension Investment Review Committee
To establish prudent plan investment review processes to address the following areas in retirement plan governance: investment fund performance,  availability of investment options, retirement vendor performance, and fee analysis and disclosure.

Randall Distinguished Chair
To make recommendations to the president on incumbents of the Randall Distinguished Chair in Christian Culture.

Safety and Emergency Response – Policy
Responsible for reviewing the College’s EOP and various policies and procedures pertaining to the safety and security of campus.

Safety and Emergency Response – Crisis
During emergency operations and EOC activation, the CRT activates as a crisis response team.  It evaluates the situation to analyze and synthesize critical information from multiple sources during the progress of the event to report to and advise the President and his Cabinet on appropriate actions requiring executive decisions.

Service Board
Responsible for collecting and coordinating information on community service and making recommendations to the president’s senior Cabinet regarding community service initiatives.

Space Reservation and Usage
Communicate and collaborate on all large scale event and facilities usage to maximize program impact and campus resource efficiency; establish and manage assessment and recommendation process for optimal and efficient usage of campus facilities, identify cost savings opportunities, maximize technological advancement to streamline event programming on campus; update and communicate the master calendar of new construction, maintenance and renovations which impacts the work of campus event planners and support services. Avoid conflicts in schedule and resources.

To advise the president on campus sustainability efforts and advance his Campus Compact Action Plan; to engage the campus community in these efforts through initiatives, projects, and events.

Tuition Exchange
To approve incoming and outgoing students for the tuition exchange program.