Candidates for the Master of Arts in History degree are required to complete 30 credits of graduate-level history, or 24 credits plus an acceptable thesis written under the direction of a professor in the student’s major field.
Students may pursue a Master of Arts degree with a primary major in either American History or Modern European History and, if desired, a second major in American, Modern European, or Medieval History. (A Medieval major may be chosen only as a second major and does not qualify as a primary major.)
Faculty members in the Master of Arts in History Program are teachers and scholars. They have attained their degrees from institutions that include Yale, The Ohio State University, the University of Notre Dame, and Boston College.
They also present regularly at regional, national, and international conference and have their work published in leading journals, as well as in book form.
The Master’s Thesis
No matter their educational or professional backgrounds, our students are enthusiastic about studying history and understanding its importance to the present and future. They care deeply about reading, writing, and discussing momentous times and events with like minded students and faculty who are devoted to the humanities.
A graduate student completing a thesis will register for six credit hours of thesis advisement and be assigned a grade for those hours. The Graduate Director will create and register the student for a section of the appropriate course to be offered during the semester(s) during which a student is expected to complete the thesis. This ordinarily will be for the semester(s) immediately following the approval of the thesis proposal.